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A Career Assessment Test can optimise your Interest, Personality , Aptitude giving a holistic view to analyse and co-relate it to appropriate Careers to shortlist the best suited Career. Moreover it shortlists from a list of more than 600 Careers, which manually is not possible to shortlist.  You can click here to appear for a Test.

There is no such fixed period till the query is not solved, but the general process of Career Counseling is 2 Days :

1. Career Assessment Test (1st Day)

2. Report Generation (On the spot after completion of Test)

3. Personal Face to Face Counseling with Mentor in your Area (next day or any convenient day)

 For further details please click here

The accuracy would depend on how seriously or honestly the Career Assessment Test is taken, since the interpretation and suggested Careers would completely depend on the Test Results. Moreover, the suggested Careers are optimised suggestions of your Interest, Personality and Aptitude. 
Unlike physics, psychology is not an exact science. But statistics are used to calculate the reliability and validity of the questions and interpretation.

Reasons why Students might not give Career Assessment Test!!

  • ›Fear of an unexpected Result.
  • ›Recommended Careers differing from the Student’s predetermined Career.
  • ››Thinking the aptitude test might not detect your true potential.

Reasons why Students should give Career Assessment Test!!

›Better to choose the Right Career early than later. ››The sooner you are exposed to your true potential, the better. Otherwise there are the conventional tests Examinations, Interview, and work appraisal system to know in future.

  • The Test will help you Identify Competency with the help of Career Assessment Test. For eg. The reason why a coder will be successful is that he knows Java and C++. But will he still be successful in next 5 yrs when a new software language will replace the old one.
  • The answer is, if he/she has the ability to adapt and learn new things, he/she will be successful.
  • Hence to check the Competency of the Candidate is must.
Yes you can if you don't have an access of PC, but prefer a PC or bigger screen, so that you get a better view of images and questions.

 The test gives the student a guidance in choosing a Career in terms of her/his skills and interest levels and knowledge about different Careers.


- They say never judge a book just from its cover. It might happen that a student is interested in 'Aeronautical engineering', but you should also possess a good Mathematical & Analytical Skill. Hence, Allegiance Educare factors & optmizes the following of a student :

1) Interest Level (What kind of Careers he's interested and also what kind of tasks he enjoys more eg. Physical tasks, Artistic tasks, experimenting, etc)

2) Personality and correlating it to relevant Careers.

3) Aptitude ( To test his Capability in performing in a particular Career eg. Good Mathematical skills required as an Aeronautical Engineer)


- Usually students choose a Career without any thorough research, but it is also impossible to research each and every Career out there. Hence, the Career Assessment Test narrows down their Career Choices, making it easier for them to choose from a gigantic List of Careers.

- Usually students are exposed to various kind of Careers when they start working and gain some experience in a Company, but by the time they are exposed to Careers of their choice it's too late to move into that Career. The Career Counselling process helps the Student explore more Careers before it is too late to shift to a Career choice and regret not exploring it earlier in their Career. The Result gives you more options other than the same old Careers like engineering, medical, etc.

Look at the following in a College : No. of PhD professors, Lab Facility, Reputation, Placements, reputation of the department you will be taking admission in (sometimes the College reputation is high, but not the department you are seeking admission in), Student to Professor Ratio.

There are a number of benefits associated with implementing e-learning and our customers come to us for different reasons. Here are some of the top reasons why Learning Pool customers use our services.


1. Scalable, Efficient and Fast - E-learning gives you the ability to quickly create and communicate new policies and training. By using our Authoring Tool and our Learning Management System you’ll be able to roll-out to large audiences cost-effectively.

2. Capacity and consistency - E-learning offers the ability to achieve high levels of coverage among your target audience and ensures the message communicated is consistent. This means all learners get the same training.

3. Higher Learning Retention than traditional learning - Blended learning results in higher knowledge retention rate as it appeals to a wider range of learning styles. There’s also the added ability to refresh or update coursework whenever it’s needed and learn at a pace that suits your learners.

4. Using e-learning saves you time and money - It reduces time away from the workplace, cuts down on expensive travel and reduces the need for costly classroom-based training.

5. Measuring learning activity and proving return on investment - Using our Learning Management System, tracking Learner progress is a breeze and reporting on activity is a button press away.

6. Reduce your carbon footprint - By delivering your training online and testing your staff through online quizzes you’re providing alternatives to paper-based forms of learning and testing.

7. Flexibility and finding hard to reach people - E-learning can give staff the freedom to learn when and where they want, and at their own pace. You can train staff who would usually be in remote locations and have trouble getting to and from classroom training venues.

•It is important that after graduation a student has the appropriate required skills for a job.


•The knowledge gained in a graduation course, sometimes in some jobs might not be enough for that job.


•Industry courses are extremely helpful to gain practical or industry knowledge, which would give the student an edge over the others.


•These unique industry courses have been jointly developed and delivered by leading experts from industry, commercial consultancies and recruitment agencies,


•These courses combine the highest academic standards and industrial experience  that meet industry needs, enhancing your career development and invest in your company’s future.

There are many reasons why thousands of our students go abroad for pursuing studies.

(1) More than 90% of the aspirants for admission to institutions like the IITs and IIMs do not get selected, not for want of qualifications of the applicants, but for capacity constraints in the institutions. 

(2) In recent times, businesses have become more and more global. Education in foreign universities offers better placement and richer job opportunities. Those who have qualifications from reputed foreign universities would be set apart from other job seekers in a competitive job market.

(3) Better infrastructural facilities in laboratories and workshops. This is particularly significant in disciplines such as biotechnology, bioinformatics, and nanotechnology, since very expensive equipment would be required for advanced research. The funding of Indian universities and institutions is often limited and this poses a serious constraint in adequately equipping the laboratories. Consequently, the quality of research in India would not match that in countries like the US. If you are fortunate, you may get opportunities to work along with great scientists something that is unthinkable in our

(4) You would get opportunities to study and do research in centres of excellence Country. at the global level. It may be noted that in a Popular ranking of 200 top first among them appears as the universities in the world, there are only three institutions from India. The first among them appears as the 57th. It is true that this ranking is not the last word in the comparison of universities at the global level. Still, the finding does give an indication of where we stand.

(5) Education in a foreign university with international student recruitment rewarding. offers unique global experience. It is both academically and personally

(6) The programs offer a lot of flexibility, unlike in India with the straightjacket type of curricula and syllabi. Here we cannot imagine a mathematics graduate joining a medical college; but in the US it is quite a possibility. Entry into a medical school requires an undergraduate degree; consequently, you cannot start medical education at the age of 17 or 18. In many foreign universities, streams of humanity, biological sciences, and physical sciences are not encased in water-tight compartments. A student may decide any combination of 'courses' from these streams.

(7) You would be able to develop special skills, including language and communication skills in a global environment. This would add to your personality and self-confidence. The global perspective you have gained would make you more acceptable to employers. Graduates of world class universities normally start at higher salaries, compared to others.

(8) Exposure to diverse cultures would enhance your tolerance and develop a balanced approach to problems in life.

(9) Internship in a global market place would enrich your business capabilities.

(10) Your friendship circle would be wide and dispersed in all parts of the globe. 

The cost of education is an important consideration, while choosing a destination. In many cases, the parents will not be able to foot the bill for foreign studies. Students will have to find other sources of funding in form of scholarships grants, work-study, or educational loans. The fees would differ substantially among various universities. Usually the-fees in the 'State' (or Public) universities in the US would be less than those in other universities. Look for names like California State University, Portland State University, and Florida State University.

State universities usually have enrolments of tens of thousands of students. It would therefore be easier for international students to find on-campus jobs or teaching assistantship jobs, or research assistantships in government-funded projects. Further, teaching and research assistant students may get the benefit of full tuition fee waiver.

Private universities, on the other hand, are supported by tuition fees from students, investment income, research contracts, and private donations. Tuition fees are naturally higher in private universities compared to those in the state universities. The prospects for research assistantships in government-funded projects are limited in private universities.

You may also remember that several Universities in countries like Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, and Sweden do not charge any tuition fee. But such universities are limited in number. The cost of higher education is high in the US, UK, and Australia. The US tops the list. In Canada, France, Italy, and Japan, the rates are comparatively lower. There are private universities in the US that charge US $30,000 or more. If the higher rates of fees also reflect academic excellence and placement with higher remuneration, you would be able to plunge into a brighter career and pay back your educational loans in a short time.

Tuition fee is not the only element to be kept in mind. Living cost varies from country to country. The cost of accommodation, food, travel, and medical treatment are vital components of the overall cost of overseas education. These should be assessed while computing your total expenses, along with the prospects of securing scholarships. 

An expert once summarised the barriers in study abroad. There are 4 F's that may challenge your study abroad experience :

  • Family
  • Faculty
  • Finances
  • Fear

Family: If your parents are reluctant to send you abroad, for concerns based on lack of right information, you could get the help of a competent advisor or a person who is enjoying the benefit of successful studies abroad.

Faculty: It is possible that your professors in India dissuade you from going abroad, citing the futility of such an endeavour when facilities are available in India at a much cheaper rate of payment. This barrier can be more easily overcome, compared to the resistance from parents. You may present an objective analysis of the pros and cons of study abroad vis-a-vis study in India. and highlight the merits of foreign academic experience.

Finances: The barrier posed by paucity of finances is often real, unless you can identify the right sources for scholarships, work-study, or educational loans.

Fear: This is a barrier you can overcome with some effort. Every man has a fear of the unknown and the unfamiliar. You must have heard that a known devil is better than a strange angel. The thought of life in a foreign country may evoke a sense of fear in your mind. This can be dispelled by different methods. You can discuss life in the country of destination with those who have studied there, or at least lived there for a long time. You can gather data about the country from the Internet, or travelogues, or books written by native authors. A better understanding of the country will make you gradually familiar with the culture and life-style there. Some may fear racial prejudices that may often be unfounded. The basic solution lies in knowing more and more about the country of your destination, well before your takeoff. 

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